How To Find Your Purpose In Life (part 3)

In the first two parts of finding your purpose in life, we discussed the importance of having vision and passion and knowing how each of those contributes to your purpose.  The third ingredient in finding your purpose in life is your giftedness.  In spiritual terms, your giftedness is given to you divinely  and is used to help the body of Christ.

Sometimes there is confusion between talents and gifts.  What is important to realize is that you can use both talents and gifts to find your purpose in life.  Or sometimes God is transforming one of your talents into a gift to be used to advance the kingdom, but you can also use your talents and gifts together for business.  For example, you may be in the field of sales in your business and  you may be talented in your ability to persuade.  But you may also have the spiritual gift to discernment.  This is a great combination in business because you can read people much better than someone just having the talent to persuade.

You know you are working “OnPurpose” when you are impacting others around you in a positive manner and they are growing and gaining energy from you. You know you are working towards your purpose when you find fulfillment and energy from what you do.  Even though your occupation can be stressful, you will be surrounded with a sense of  peace and accomplishment throughout the day knowing that God is using you and using your situation, talents and gifts to help others succeed.

If You Are Selling …You Are Dead (part 9)

Selling is the key to your Success

The next big revelation in professional selling, is to focus on getting the client to buy!  Remember, it is the job of the buyer to buy!  And it is your job as the professional sales person to identify who has the power to make the decision to buy and then getting them to say “Yes”.  So, what does this look like?  It requires active listening verses passive listening.  WE can listen to a client in two ways, passively or actively.  As  the passive listener only hears words, the active listener sees the story behind the story, or in other words, tunes into the feelings behind the words-the anxiety, the frustration, the joy, the love, the feelings.  Once you understand the “feelings” behind the words, you can then tailor your presentation accordingly to  meet the needs. It is important to ALWAYS respond to the client’s feelings..  That is the surest way of reaching out and making real contact.

Remember, that your client doesn’t want to be told what to do. So the task is to sell in a manner that allows the client to buy rather than being sold. While it is always important to state the features, but sell the benefits, it is equally important to remember that we ultimately are working towards getting the buyer to buy!.

3 Secrets to Improving Your Business

Every business and organization can be broken down into three main areas.  First, Market Know-How, second, Operational Performance, and third, Value Creation.  This way of looking at a business or organization can drastically improve your understanding if you break it down into the elements and prioritize what needs to be addressed.

The Operational Performance area represents internal management priorities.  The Market Know-how area represents target markets and the forces that surround them. The Value Creation area is the formula or template for making a difference to customers and for achieving major impact in the marketplace.

When a corporation or organization is up and running , the flow of the organizational activitie is normally “clockwise” running from Market Know How to Operational Performance to Value Creation, we position ourselves and then deliver products and solutions to satisfy customer needs.  And as long as we exceed customer expectations and maximize profit growth (black figures and growth), the business model works.  However, when this stops and the business or organization is misaligned with the market, typically it stops delivering “value” to the customer. When we are drawn to solve internal problems, people problems, supplier problems, money problems and we take our market position for granted, we become “less relevant” and move towards commodity status.  Our “selling” model no longer matches our customers’ buying model!

What must happen next is we need to realign our thinking and our organization with the priorities in the marketplace we want to serve. We need to completely understand our target market, our customers’ needs and also their “unmet” customer needs. Only then will we be in a postion to create more value and exceed our customers’ expectations and become a dominant player.

Once we align our organization, we can run our business in a normal “clockwise” direction with confidence that we will reach much higher levels of performance..

How To Find Your Purpose In Life-(part 2)

5 keys

In business, we often call successful executives great leaders if they build large public and private companies. Entrepreneurs that start a company from scratch are often called “visionaries”.  People who have the ability to see the invisible connections and make them a reality are highly sought after.  In strategic planning, one of the first elements of the plan is a “vision” and “mission”, because without a clear “vision”, it is difficult to motivate the team.  But where does this “vision” come from?

The “vision” that God gives you is a mental picture formed in your imagination of what your purpose and destiny is.  As God reveals your vision to you, the best thing you can do is act on that vision.  So finding your purpose in life requires taking daily steps towards what God reveals to you.  Taking daily steps requires you to act on what God has shown you. And we do this by faith.  That is why we are told to “walk by faith and not by sight”(2 Corinthians 5:7).  Only when we rely on that vision that God has given us, we walk into it (by faith) and we don’t rely on what we currently see as the next step in the physical.  So, faith is also essential to realizing our destiny.  Without faith, it is impossible to please God because “faith” is the mechanism God uses to take us into our destiny and purpose.  And God is pleased when He sees using faith because that brings the supernatural into the natural.

Therefor, passion and vision, are the first two ingredients that God gives us to realize our purpose and destiny in life. These are gifts from God himself to strengthen, motivate and lead us into our purpose and destiny.  If your passion and vision are leading your away from God, it isn’t God’s vision for you, but your own.

And finally, God’s vision for you is always on His timetable and not yours. This is one of the hardest realities to accept in life.  God is working behind the scenes for you and connecting opportunities and creating links for you to walk into your purpose. God has already placed your destiny within you.  It is your job to discover and find your unique calling and then to take steps , by faith, each day to realizing your purpose..

The Key to Your Success

Why are some people more successful than others?

In its simplest form, the answer is this: The key to success lies in your particular manner of thinking.  When you change how you view a situation and change how you think about yourself, your relationships, what happens to you, your goals, and your world, your life will change. If you want to change your life, you must change the quality of your thinking.

Time after time, I listen to folks complain about their life, their job, their friends.  It just seems to be part of our culture today.  It seems that fewer and fewer people have  optimistic goals for their life and they are looking for someone else to help them out of the situation they are in.

The only way to get yourself in a different, more productive place is to change yourself first.  Changing rituals, changing thinking and responding differently.  One must learn how to RENEW YOUR MIND DAILY..

How To Find Your Purpose In Life

"5 Keys"

As I develop my brands in the marketplace, I decided on three areas that I am very interested in and uniquely qualified to write, speak, blog, coach, lead, and podcast about!  I am passionate about business, passionate about finding significance in life and passionate about personal development.  I have spent a career at finding purpose in all that I do for a living and that has led me down some pretty amazing experiences.  Of course, both good and bad, productive and unproductive, expensive and cheap, and dead ends as well.  I have had too many business cards to talk about, and funny enough, I think I am going to make a collage of the all so my kids will have a good laugh someday!

I am working now on building another business around those three areas that I am passionate about and I want to help all of those who want to come along with me in this journey.  There are many platforms today available for those that have expert advise, vision, coaching skills and more.  The challenge becomes how to synthesize and formula products from what we know how to do.  Therefore, I am developing 3 Brands that will help folks do just that.

My first brand is The Corporate Growth Academy.  This is for all of you wanting to learn how to build a business around what you do, what you love or what you have been gifted to do.  My second brand is OnPurpose.  This is the spiritual, intentional,destiny area of  life that helps folks grow into what God has designed them to do and to achieve.  And finally, personal development.  This is the area where almost everyone starts first in their life. This is the area where we develop at school, university, family, social capital and through training and self help courses.  The brand I am developing here is The Berea Leadership  Academy.  Here we are dedicated to helping students and adults achieve High Performance.  It focuses on Best Practices for personal development and the steps to get you there.

Each of these brands are actually integrated product suites.  Today, I would like to start with the Ingredients of finding your purpose, your destiny in life. There are 5 main ingredients and perhaps more, but we will concentrate on the 5 to keep things simple.  Passion, is the first main ingredient that leads you to your purpose/destiny in life.  Wherever your passion lies, is a good indication of how God has equipped you for success.  Now here is a simple trick for gaining clarity about what you are passionate about.  Go look in your personal library of books that you read, music you listen too, shows you watch and what you look forward to in your life.  This is an indication of how God has “wired” you and what you might want to do for a living.

On my next post, I will give you ingredient number two in finding your purpose and destiny!
