How to find your Purpose in life-OnPurpose

"Living Above The Line"

For my entire life I have always been the “Go To” guy. Friends, family and colleagues have always come to me asking for advice on how to get a job, how to be happy, how to make money or simply how to figure out or fix something. Does this sound like you? I think this is because I have always been a “Above the Line” kind of person. In many ways, that is my “why” in life.  I have been blessed with the ability to normally see the good in any situation no matter how difficult the situation can be.  I have come to realize that this is truly the only way to live happily! I had never heard that expression before, but my friend, Simon, introduced me to this concept and I believe it is an important element in your pursuit to finding meaning and purpose in life.  Always try to be an “Above the Line” person.

Just what exactly is an “Above the Line” person? Well, there are basically two types of people. People who live above the line and people who live below the line. I was fortunate enough to always land above the line! First, lets define a Below the Line person. These are the folks that always feel like they are the victim! IT is always someone else’s fault for the reason they are in the situation they are in. They tend to be easily offended, highly critical of others, micro managers,  unforgiving and narcissistic.   A classic line from a below the line person usually sounds something like this:”You don’t understand……”  For me this a always a warning sign.

Now lets look at an “Above the Line” person!  I don’t want to lead you down the path that these types of individuals are the greatest, but I can tell you that they will definitely add more value to your life.  Above the Line folks live  a life deep rooted in  confidence and peace.  This is what gives them their sustainability to keep rolling and helping others.  Above the Line people are genuinely interested in other people as well.  Above the Line people are givers of their time and talents and when you encounter them, you feel blessed!  They actually give you energy instead of sucking the energy from you.  Above the Line people live with gratitude no matter what they have.

So, how do you transform yourself if you are a “Below the Line” person?  The first step is to know that you are living below the line.  It is knowing exactly where you are and the reason you are there.  The second step is to determine where you want to go and who you want to become.  And the third step is to find help in achieving this transformation.

Finally, the only way to find your purpose in life is to move towards becoming an Above the Line person.  It takes time and hard work, but the rewards are worth it.  To be free from “things” and “stuff” is a great freedom few people know.


The Reason Why We Sometimes Choose Our Betrayers…And the GOOD NEWS!

I wanted to write this post around Easter because it fits this time of year! I have often thought about Judas and Jesus and wondered why this happened? Why did God allow this to happen? Why did Judas betray his best friend? Did Judas really have a choice or was it the destiny of Judas to fulfill scripture? Well, this is a very difficult issue to ponder about because it gives us all great perspective into our current lives! And, it leads back to the title of this post, how we may actually choose the very people who betray us!

Speaking from my own experience, I can tell you that I chose my betrayer! Without going into the personal details, I can only tell you that betrayal hurts very deeply. So deeply that it can “Pierce your very Soul”! And for any of you who have experienced a deep and personal betrayal of any kind, you know how difficult it is to OVERCOME! NO ONE EVER GETS AWAY WITH A BETRAYAL and leads a happy life afterwards! Judas ended up hanging himself!

Now, let us turn to what can be learned from a betrayal! First, you must gain the perspective that you are not alone. As it happened to Jesus, it can happen to you. Jesus chose his betrayer, and so can we! Second, God often allows a betrayal because his perspective is different then ours. The Bible tells us that “What was meant for evil, God can turn it into something good”. This a powerful perspective for us to learn and apply. If we take on the right perspective, we can look back and see how God actually gave us the “advantage”. Even though Judas betrayed Jesus, that wasn’t the end of the story! And some 2000 years later, the effects of Judas’s evil deed, is still saving us and giving us New Life today! Hence, the Easter message!

Now, how can you forgive your betrayer even if they never apologize to you? Well, the answer to this difficult situation lies in our ability to see our own sin before God! This is the single biggest obstacle to enjoying the Easter life and the Easter message. I have found that the only way I could forgive my betrayer, was to see my own betrayal before God. And God will show this to you if you are willing to accept it. This was an unmasking of myself and my own sin before God. And this is the challenge that each one of us has to go through for ourselves. When you can see your own sin before God and have accepted Jesus into your heart, it then becomes possible for you to truly forgive your betrayer. That was how I was able to forgive my friend who betrayed me and never apologized for it.

Now, why is it so difficult for people to see their own sin? Well, because this is very hard work and intense work. Our ego never wants us to see our own sin. Our ego and and the devil never want us to see our own sin. And as long as we can’t see our own sin, we are not truly living in God’s perfect will. We make up our own truth about what the Bible says how we should live.

As we approach Easter, let us remember that God is still in the miracle business! He is still talking and communicating to us! He is still asking us to confess our sins to him. He is still blessing us and asking us to be a blessing to others. And, he wants us to know that he can turn our “messes” into his “miracles”.

Happy Easter!