If You are Not Selling…You are Dead..(part 4)

"Selling is the key to your Success in Life"

The Psychology Department at Yale University identified twelve words that have extraordinary persuasive power. I have reduced the twelve to four.  When developing a sales presentation, I believe the four main words that get your client’s attention are:

  1. Money
  2. Save
  3. You
  4. New

Even if Money, Self-Preservation, or Recognition are last on your client’s list of motivators, we all pay attention to these factors.  And to further simplify when dealing in a B2B (business to business) situation,  it reduces to three:

1. Make more Money

2. Save Money (efficiency)

3. Feel Good

So whether you are selling in a B2B or B2C (business to consumer) these power words are critical to use in your Online or Offline marketing and selling campaign.





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