What To Do When A Customer Complains

“Statistics suggest that when customers complain, business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business”-Zig Ziglar

Listening to a complaining customer is difficult, but extremely important to show that you care about them and their problem. First listen and show empathy and then take action to fix the issue! Then go back and ask for continued feedback on how your doing. Show the customer that their input helped you fix the issue or process or product delivery and they will develop into a very loyal long term customer! It is the customer that complains that wants to stay with you! IF they don’t complain, you know they truly aren’t going to stay with you.

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand”-Woodrow Wilson

Stephen Covey

Why is Forgiving Someone So Difficult?

One of the most difficult things to do is to forgive someone…. Or Is it? One reason why forgiving someone is so difficult is because the person not wanting to forgive wants to maintain the control over you. Or so it may seem. Another reason why it is so difficult to forgive someone is because you have not realized your own wrong doing in the situation. Or, maybe you have not realized that you have sinned before God and you think God has not forgiven you so you cannot forgive someone else? Well, when you forgive someone who has wronged you, you are actually gaining more control over the situation and not less. You actually release yourself from the person who has wronged you when you forgive them. Have you ever heard the saying: Unforgiveness is like: “You take the poison expecting the other person to die”? This may sound ridiculous, but when you don’t forgive another person for what they have done, God says that he will not forgive you for your sins and you actually end up taking the poison that you had intended for the person who has wronged you. So, think about someone you are holding a grudge against today and call them up and forgive them! And watch how your life improves!

The Before and After YOU! How To Become The Best Version of YOU!

Happy New Year to all of you! Have you always wanted to become the best version of YOU? Well lets start off the new year right! In previous posts we talked about setting goals and developing a personal mission and vision statement for your life. This is very important work, but you first have to DISCOVER your WHY? You have to discover your PURPOSE! God put you on this earth and designed you in such a way to accomplish great things for His Kingdom. But first, it is God’s dream to have a personal relationship with you. He wants you to call him Father! And for this reason, it is important that you have a conversion story! This is the time for you to take a different road. A time for you to do a U turn and find your true purpose. Perhaps you have heard others talk about their “Damascus Experience”? This is the time when once they were heading in one direction in life and now, they are heading in a different direction. I love the story of the Apostle Paul’s encounter with Jesus. It is told 3 times in the Book of Acts (9:1-18, 22:1-16, 26:1-18). So how does this apply to you? Well, the fact is God wants to see every person on this earth have a Damascus road experience. Perhaps not as dramatic as the Apostle Paul’s experience, but the experience that God has planned for you. He wants us to turn and experience a spiritual re-birth. God wants all of us to have a life changing experience with Jesus. (John 1:12, 2 Corinthians 5:17). This is the only chance we have for finding a life of PURPOSE.