3 Things That Keep Your From Achieving Your Goals In Life

What is the PRIMARY CAUSE OF MY RESULTS? YOU ARE and here 3 major things that hold you back in life from achieving your goals, improving your results and living a life of purpose and significance. Here they are:


How many times have you tried to help someone and they say:”I knew that”, but in reality they didn’t and it was their attitude about it that held them back? Or have you ever been in a situation where you are trying to implement a new idea or concept to a group or mentor someone and they say:”I’ve done that before” and you can see them automatically shut you out? And finally, many times, folks who lack good results have another problem. They have too many distractions throughout their day and they don’t spend the necessary time working on productive measures and goals that will change their for the better. So, it is very important to look back and see what habits, attitudes, paradigms are causing your results. And then, if you don’t like your results, set new goals that are more in the direction that you want to go. Finally, gain greater awareness of how others are achieving their results ask them to show you what they do! By keeping an open mind and reducing the 3 issues above, your results will improve.

We Set Goals When Our Level Of Awareness is at the Discipline Awareness Level

My last post was a request from a fellow person from my TRIBE. I was delighted to learn that he shared my content with his tribe and wanted more information. I want to revisit my post on WHY WE SET GOALS now that you know the 7 levels of AWARENESS. We set goals and we execute goals when we are DISCIPLINED enough to know that Goals executed successfully change our results and change our direction. But you first have to move past Animal, Mass, Aspiration and Individual Levels of awareness. Only when you can write out your goals and have the ability to give yourself a command to execute them, will you have success. In the next post, I will talk about how EXPERIENCE awareness can take you places you never dreamed of.

Why Discipline is Truly a Gift!

"Its a gift that lasts a lifetime"

Someone from my Tribe of followers wanted to know more about the power of discipline in life and work. Discipline as most of us know it is not necessarily something we like and want more of in our life. But the fact is, the more disciplined we become in our life, we increase our chances of happiness and success both at home and work. Discipline is one of the Seven Levels of Awareness that we have in life. With Mastery at the very top and Animal at the very lowest level of awareness. When we are living at the lowest level of awareness in life, we live at the Animal level where we just react to what happens to us. We typically either Fight or Flight! This isn’t a level where you want to remain as an individual. This is the level where you see a “Victim Mentality” exist. Discipline is truly at a very high level of awareness in life and is just number 3 below Mastery and Experience. When we have the gift of discipline in our life, we literally can give ourself a command and make it happen. This level of awareness leads to both success at home and success at work. Discipline is formed by goal setting and coaching and mentoring and to be open and willing to improve one’s self. Positive discipline is truly a gift that you give your kids as a parent and as a leader, you give discipline to help your employees realize their potential.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree…

Have you ever heard the expression: “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree?”. Well, the reason you have probably heard it is that someone in your family or a friend probably said that about you when comparing certain habits of your mother and father to you. And the funny thing is, the older we get, we even start to see some of those habits from our parents in us. This of course can be good and bad. If your mother and father had good habits, then you are blessed, but if your mother and father were what I call “difficult” and drama oriented, well, probably more than not, you have inherited these habits as well. All of these generational habits passed down to you can make changing very difficult. As we tend to see life through the lens of our paradigms (habits) it is often a good thing to go back and review how these habits are producing the results we are getting in life. If we like the results we are getting in life, than keep rolling. But if we find ourselves looking to improve our results, we need to go back and start reviewing some of our habits. And finally the best way to change habits and paradigms is through clear goal setting and achieving.

Platform Builder Mastermind Coming soon….

I love this picture of Napoleon Hill’s mastermind partners which included Ford, Edison, Firestone and Hoover. I am currently in 3 separate masterminds that are helping me build my platform again in this digital world and they have truly changed my perspective on how to grow my business while helping others succeed both personally and professionally. Stay tuned for my launch.

How Do We Set Goals…..

Yesterday’s post was titled “Why We Set Goals” and today’s post is “How Do We Set Goals”. Over the years, I have struggled to find a method that truly works effectively for me. Perhaps you are like me in this regard. I have great intentions, but find it difficult to spend the time to write down my goals in a format that works. So, in this post i wish to share with you what works for me. If you have another style that works for you, that is great as well. Often times I struggle with mental clarity on what to write and clarity of what to accomplish. I can see the BIG PICTURE, but breaking it down into individual steps becomes difficult. So, I produce a one page yearly sheet that just has 3-5 major end results that I want accomplished. My categories are Finance, Health, Spirituality, Family. Within those 4 categories, I just write simple sentences where I would like to be. For example, I fix a figure of income for my company that i want to achieve. For health, I normally have targets, like weight, exercise, doctor visits etc. For spirituality I set targets for scripture reading, church attendance and growing in Christ. And that is how I do it. From those goals, I go to just steps needed to accomplish those goals. I just try to make it as simple as possible. Then, each week, I think about what I have accomplished towards those goals and if I achieve it, I check it off of my list. So, I try not to be too critical of myself because that only frustrates me. I think what is important is to revisit your goal sheets weekly and keep them close to you. I have them next to me at all times for easy access and review.

Keep in mind that when you start to see real progress towards these goals, it truly gives you energy and a sense of accomplishment! This energy builds on itself and before you know it, you have achieved your goal!

Why We Set Goals…

Each year around November I start to think about what i did or did not accomplish. I think about my plan and how well the plan was executed. And nine times out of ten, when I fall short it is caused by lack of focus and follow through. Do you suffer from that as well? Research has proven that when you write out your goals and plan accordingly, you have significantly improved your chances of achieving those goals. But why is it that more people don’t plan for their future? Well, here are a few insights:

1. Most people feel the need to work towards their purpose in life but they struggle with defining their purpose.
2. Clarity is key when achieving anything, but clarity is sometimes very difficult to achieve because we are consumed with trying to earn money and cover our basic needs.
3. Life’s curve balls come at us all the time in various forms and they often times push us into different directions away from our plan.
4. Procrastination to execute our plan keeps us in a low energy state of mind.

So what can we do about this to jump start our ability to achieve our purpose? First, we need to take time to begin thinking about how we want to be remembered in life. IF we take the time to think about what is really important in life, we will be in a better position to develop clear goals. For example, I want to be remembered as a great father to my children. So, I take the necessary steps each year to plan for that result in life. I build time with my kids and try to make sure I am living a life that adds value for them.
Second, I try to think on the big picture of life and try not to get involved in DRAMA. Family drama is one on the keys to staying “stuck” in life. Work towards isolating yourself from negative family members who love to bring you down to their level. Third, build productive time each day to completing what you have planned for. I am currently working on rebuilding my platform and I need to work everyday towards building it. Take time as well each day to learn new technologies. In today’s environment, it is very important to stay as current as possible with technology. Technology is very essential in platform building. And Finally, take time to seek the truth in life and don’t rely on the what reality TV presents as reality. There is a truth that exists and keep focused on that truth. In times like these, where everyone wants to make up their own truth, resist and keep focused on God’s plan for your life.