The third step in “Owning Your Career” is to Design, Develop and own your platform. Don’t let someone end your career before you decide it is time. Here is what every person should do to start this process:
- Own your namesake URL. By that, I mean, you need to go to a hosting company, like godady, and purchase your namesake. For less than 12 dollars per month, you now have your name reserved and can start to build your online identity.
- Put up your own wordpress blog site! Once you have purchased your own namesake URL and launch your wordpress site, you are well on your way to building a “digital” identity that no one can take away from you. That is why I recommend using wordpress and hosting it yourself verses using other blogging platforms that are controlled by others. You want to “OWN” your own platform. This platform will serve as your “Hub” for all of your activities.
- Learn and do for yourself. You cannot and should not delegate learning how to build your brand to someone else. You need to be able to master the technology even if you are not a “technical” person. I did it and so can you!
- Create your embassy plan. Your embassy directs your potential followers to your home base. Your Social media plan are your embassy’s! They represent “YOU” out in the market place and send messages out and gather information and direct it back to you. If you work for a company, you are developing a set of skills that you can send out to your embassy’s. That may be facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest or whatever. But these embassy’s reflect and promote your career, your brand, your purpose, your skills, your story!
- Consistently build your brand. So you have your home base, your wordpress namesake URL, you have your embassy plan in place and your now begin to CONSISTENTLY communicate to your market, your followers and your potential clients on your unique product, story, sweet spot, unique voice or whatever you want the world to hear!. Begin to develop a weekly content plan that you consistently deliver. This is so critical while you are working and building your email list! You have to think in terms of building customers that eventually will be buy from you. But the secret is Consistently, Consistently, Consistently! I hope I said that enough, because that is the single greatest downfall by not delivering content consistently. Long term acquisition of customers requires a consist delivery of content to the world through your platforms and embassy’s.
- Master the technology. Every person today has to master the basics. You have to learn how to publish. That can mean anything from writing good copy, to learning how to do videos to pod casting. But the fact is, you don’t have a choice any longer if you want to remain relevant and in front of your customer. If you want to own your career for a lifetime, you need to follow a different plan. And that requires learning how to publish.
- Finally, learn how the value creation process works. Building a platform for lifelong success is transferable. You must understand that working for someone else has to benefit you and your career long term. Every skill that you take away from your workplace is transferable to your brand. So, you have to think in terms of that daily. Ask yourself: “What am I learning today and what can i incorporate into my story that I can send out to my embassy?” IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE THESE POSTS DIRECTLY TO YOUR EMAIL, CLICK (HERE)