Our Thoughts Determine Our Results-part 4

"Implementing the 4:4 Principle"

We have been discussing how to have the abundant life and the power of the 4:8 principle.  To concentrate on the right thoughts and that ultimately drives your motor which produces the right results.  We also talked about the power of Autosuggestion and self talk as one of the most powerful tools to put the right thoughts into your subconscious mind.  Now lets look a few phrases that you might be saying to yourself that aren’t good for you:

  1.  I can’t remember names
  2. It’s just no use
  3. I know it won’t work
  4. That’s just my luck
  5. I’m so clumsy
  6. I don’t have the talent to do that
  7. I’m not creative
  8. Everything I eat goes right to my waistline
  9. I can’t get organized. My desk is a mess
  10. I already know I won’t like it
  11. I’m just no good
  12. I’m too shy
  13. Sometimes I hate myself for doing that
  14. I’m such an idiot
  15. I never win anything
  16. I’m over the hill man
  17. Nobody like me any more
  18. Nobody calls
  19. I never get a break
  20. If I were only..(Taller, smarter, thinner) I could..
  21. If only I had more time, then I could…

You need to take an inventory of your words and thoughts because all of these end up in your subconscious mind that produces your results.  Try to minimize and eliminate this type of self talk.  Remember, studies show in the United States that about 80 % of the talk is negative.  And as a child, between birth and 18 years of age, we are told “NO, you can’t” about 160,000 times on average.   And we hear positive verses like “you can do anything” and “you are terrific” less than 10,000 times.    So you can image why so many people have issues and difficulties changing their thoughts.   Make sure you take a daily inventory of your negative thinking and put a plan in place to change that.

Our Thoughts Determine Our Results-Part 3

"Implementing the 4:8 principal"

As mentioned in part 2 of “Our Thoughts Determine Our Results”, we looked at the power of Autosuggestion and how using Autosuggestion as a tool for making sure we put the right thoughts into our subconscious mind.  Now let us dive deeper.  The fact is the THOUGHTS we choose, and the feelings we have from those thoughts, and the ACTIONS we act on based upon those feelings is really what ATTITUDE is; Autosuggestion control’s ones ATTITUDE.  When people are having a bad or negative attitude, it is because they’ve chosen to surrender their conscious control, and have allowed someone or something to control their thinking.  If we allow someone else to MAKE US MAD, SAD or GLAD, we’ve been HAD.   A bad attitude can, most likely, be attributed to POOR autosuggesion.   We need to understand that our attitude has a drastic impact on the results we do or don’t get in our lives, and that we have the ability to shift or change our attitude through the conscious awareness of the power of autosuggestion.  That is why having written goals for what you desire is so important.  As you begin to formulate your goals and write them down, you use the process of autosuggestion to keep them on the top of your conscious mind.   As you read and repeat them daily, they are directly deposited into your subconscious mind, which is your MOTOR that is running 24/7.  As you begin to execute your goals, you will feed a renewed sense of energy and productivity that results in improved habits and performance.

Our Thoughts Determine Our Results-part 2

"Achieving the 4:8 Principal"

In my last post, we talked about putting the right gas into our motor.  Or in other words, putting the right thoughts into our conscious mind so that our results are what we desire in life.   As easy as this sounds, it becomes a challenge for all us to implement.   Today, we will cover one of the most powerful techniques known as “AUTO SUGGESTION”.  Autosuggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reach one’s mind through the five senses.   Stated another way, autosuggestion is self-suggestion.  That is why we always want to analyze what our predominating thoughts are throughout the day.  Because these running and predominating thoughts are what we are telling ourselves and this is what is determining our results.  Autosuggestion is the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.  The dominating thoughts which one permits to remain in the conscious mind (whether these thoughts are positive or negative is immaterial) will reach and influence the subconscious mind, through the Law of Autosuggestion.   Lets look at the three ways of gaining control over our mind or other’s minds:

  1.  Agreement:  When you get people to say “YES”, they’ll have a hard time saying no.
  2. Shock:  Usually the result of a negative experience (car accident, dramatic event, betrayal of a close friend  etc.); shock creates an awareness to the situation.
  3. Suggestion:  This is the most powerful of the three tools.  It is commonly used in advertising for example.  And autosuggestion.   This is also known as “self-talk” (which is choosing affirmations or statements to oneself and repeating them continuously to ourselves).   Autosuggestion can work for or against you depending on the quality of your thoughts.  This “power” or motor, is always on, so you want to make sure that what you put into your motor will take you where you want to go in life.  We have the ability in our conscious mind to accept, reject or neglect any idea or suggestion that comes into our conscious awareness.  Autosuggestion requires conscious control and awareness of the thoughts we are allowing into our awareness.

Stay tuned for my next post to learn more about implementing the 4:8 principal.