I love to write about topics that often don’t get coverage mostly because they may seem difficult to comprehend. If you have ever taken a ride to Cedar Point just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, you know what “G” forces feel like as you ride the various coasters. These are powerful forces that exist in the natural world that we experience daily. Gravity in another natural force that we all are very familiar with. So, even though you can’t see gravity, we know what happens when we drop something out of a 10 story building! It falls to the ground immediately with a force which equals its mass times its acceleration.
Just as there are these natural forces, there are also supernatural forces that exist that effect us. There are 7 key forces that exist in the supernatural realm that will help us in our professional career if we become aware of them. The first “G” force that exists in every human being is the desire to be “great”. This the the force within us that desires expansion and keeps us growing and wanting to get better. Even the Bible talks about greatness when it says that those who desire to be great, must serve!
Greatness is the power in every human being that has created this world as we know it. We look at people who have achieved great wealth, great businessman, great athletes, great stars and great people with admiration and hope. We want to hang out with these people and we want to learn from them. There is something inside each and every one of us that desires some form of greatness.
Any person may become great when they use this powerful force. By the intelligent use and direction of this force, man can develop his own mental faculties. Great men are in connection with a reserve of power that is without limit. That power comes from God himself and is downloaded into man through faith. When man becomes aware of this limitless power, he has the power and the working force within him to become great. Stay tuned for 6 more G forces available in the supernatural.
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