Come join me at the Union Club of Cleveland for a special Business Breakfast for CEO’s, Entrepreneurs and Business owners where we will discuss the 7 skills every leader must embrace!

Date: January 10, 2017
Time: 7:00-9:30am
Event: Business Breakfast at Union Club-January 10-7am-9:30am
Topic: 7 Leadership Skills needed to Build your Business
Sponsor: Corporate Growth Academy & Vistage Worldwide
Venue: Union Club of Cleveland
Location: 1211 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
United States
Public: Private
Registration: Click here to register.

Want to be more successful in your Life-On Purpose?..Here is how

"Secrets to successful living"

Well, in a USA Today article on October 28, 2016 there was an eye catching article titled:” Religion may be a miracle drug”.  And the subtitle was: “Church attendance is correlated with longer life and a sense of meaning.”  Wow,  studies have shown over the years that health and religion are very much connected.  Now I personally believe that having a relationship with Christ is the key, but you can’t argue with the results!   I always feel better after attending.  My wife and I always wonder how people can live in this world without attending church! The article goes on to say that the benefits of attending church regularly have the following benefits:

  1. More Optimistic
  2. Lower Rates of Depression
  3. Greater Purpose in Life
  4. More Self Control
  5. Greater Likelihood of a stable marriage
  6. Expanded social network
  7. Greater Charitable Giving, civic engagement and volunteering

So the next time you are feeling sad or depressed or just need some help….I recommend you go to church!



How to be Happy at Thanksgiving……..

"Secrets to getting along with people"

Well, it is that time of year again when family come together and kids come home from school.  It is one of the happiest times of the year for me and my family!  And there are reasons why it is such a happy time.   Let me just share some of our secrets to a happy family time.

First, home should be a safe and peaceful place.  It takes time for family members to get used to being together again, so resist the temptation to discuss anything controversial such as elections!

Second, our words can either bring us up or take us down.  So it is better to plan on just saying positive uplifting words as a goal when home!  Take time just to listen instead of always voicing opinions.  Remember, while you think your opinion is so important, it probably isn’t.

Third, give plenty of back massages!  My kids grew up having me give them back massages and when they come home, they really like and look forward to them.  It gives me time to talk with them as well and we laugh about all the massages over the years!  But, it calms them down.

Fourth, decorate together!  Try to bring tradition into the mix.  Perhaps its going over to a family members house for dinner or going out somewhere. But try to bring tradition into the holiday.  It is the common thread that brings everyone together.

Fifth, thank the Lord for each and everything you have.  Don’t look to what you have lost, but keep your eye on what you have and be grateful for all.  Gratitude is a powerful healer and energy source.   It connects the physical to the spiritual.  And everyone in the house benefits.

Sixth, practice positive thoughts always.  Positive thoughts create positive emotions. Positive emotions create positive vibrations and positive vibrations attract positive people.

So I hope you have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

CEO Best Practices-Find Out NOW!

As part of my work as a Vistage Chair, I help people succeed-Life and Work.  From small business groups to CEO’s of leading companies.  As time has become such a precious commodity today, it is critical to be aware of Best Practices in all what we do.  Click on the link: Vistage-Best-Practices-CEO-Skills-Development and find out what some of the most influential Vistage speakers and experts are doing.

The Single Most Important Thing to Learn about “Holding onto Your Career For A Lifetime”

"If you want to work and have multiple streams of income"

Last week I spent a week in San Diego developing new skills to help CEO’s, entrepreneurs and small businesses.  In the upcoming months, I will be improving these skills and looking to launch an exciting new product.  But what happened last week really resonated with me regarding my favorite topic: “Holding onto your Career for a lifetime”.   The single most important concept learned was this: “Hang out with the right PEERS”!  Peer groups, masterminds and associating with high energy professionals is extremely important in building your platform. It is also extremely important to make sure you are continually investing in your continuing education and taking action towards your purpose and passion.


“There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something you do it only when it’s convenient.  When you’ve committed to do something, you accept no excuses, only results.”   Ken Blanchard

5 secrets learned at 50!

" Learning How Important Your Platform is in Life"

As I write this blog post today, I have learned many secrets (called wisdom) at 50!  Actually I am 57 but like to think positively!  I have boiled them down to the most important ideas that I think are essential to holding onto your career for a lifetime!  Lets look at the 5 most important secrets:

  1. Learn to “Overcome Anything” because the longer you live, the longer you need to learn how to come back from your disappointments.  When I was in my 20’s I didn’t realize that shocking things can happen to you while living your life.  First, loved ones die.  I remember the first time I experienced death.  I can still remember the day I learned my grandmother died and how it affected me.  I can still remember those moments and those feelings of complete sadness and longing to see her once again.  Just the very thought to walk into her house and hear her voice again makes me long to someday be with her again.   She has been gone for more than 30 years and I still miss her the same as the day it happened.  While I have moved past that day, I still get tears in my eyes just trying to write this post.  The point is, things happen to us that we sometimes don’t necessarily deserve, but it happens.  And some things that do happen are what we have caused as well.  Living a full life means we must learn how to overcome tragedy and find a road-map through the wilderness.
  2. Learn how to “build your platform for a lifetime of service”.  I believe that God has put greatness on the inside of every human being.  And it is our job to access that greatness and to use that greatness to solve problems for others.  I think so much about this as I rebuild my platform now at 57.  So much of what I learned in graduate school in the 90’s about business and marketing and sales has completely changed in many ways.  The way we go to market today is so different.  And today, more than ever, our platform is critical to our ability to have our voice heard and to help others succeed. Today, the concept to building and marketing a business requires first hand knowledge and experience using the technical tools that are available to establishing or rebuilding your platform. I often give advice to younger friends of mine, that the single most important focus of a career is to understand the infrastructure of platform building.  Everyone needs to start very early building their brand online and offline if they want to succeed at holding onto their careers until they decide to finish.
  3. Learn the concept of “adding value” to yourself and to others.  We are the only species on this planet that has been given the ability to create words that impact another’s life.  So, our words, are the key to adding value.  We must always think about our words before we say them.  Because God has intended us to use our words to build his kingdom, and not to tear it down.  Looking back on most of the problems caused in our family, I can honestly say it has been caused by words that should have never been said.  So, our ability to add value is directly related to the words we chose and the thoughts that we think.  When we fundamentally change our thoughts, our words change. In terms of business, it is very important to use our words to add value even to our company or the company we work for.  I love teaching others about how to add value through words.
  4. Stop drifting and start designing your life for success and significance.  As we go through life, life happens and all of a sudden, we are 50, 60, 70 and 80!  This is something your don’t fully realize is happening and how quickly we are running out of time to fulfill our mission and purpose in life.  That is the reason why setting goals for you life based upon your dreams, passions, divine intersections and experiences is so important.  Because one day you will wake up and ask yourself: “What happened to my life”?  Where has it gone and did i do what God intended me to do!
  5. Find peace, joy and significance in everything you do.  When I watch the current convention in Cleveland, I sometimes think that I should be doing more with my life at 57.  I see men up there my age and really doing something significant. (Or so it seems anyway)  But my point is that we all have to look at our lives and find and make peace on where we are in life.  The most important thing to do first is to build a foundation that is solid as a rock.  When you build a solid foundation, no matter what storms come through, you will be prepared to make it through.  So, that is why it is so important to take time to read God’s plan for your life.  When you understand and fully comprehend that you are designed for greatness and not torment, you begin to build your platform on solid rock.  It is so simple and yet I see so many people struggling.  There is no racism when your brothers and sisters are in Christ.  Christ is the only way and only foundation that will get you to where you want to go.  I suppose people may ask why do I talk about Christ. The answer is God has given me this gift in a dramatic and life changing way for a reason.  And so, I must share it with you.  I know to many, you won’t understand or will be blind to these words.  But hopefully, God will use it to shine his Glory on you in some way today!

7 “G” Forces Available to Propel Your Career Forward

The Final G Force

So now you know the 6 “G” forces available and here is the 7th.  GOD himself is the ultimate “G” force.  The ultimate goal of any career is to honor God in all that we say and do in the workplace.  When we go to work each day, no matter what we do for a career, we need to do it in such a way that  honors God!  And how we treat our fellow workers and how workers treat their fellow employers, is important to God.  God’s power is available to everyone. But accessing God’s power and force is another thing all together.

One way God’s power works in our lives is how He designs divine  intersections in our life.  Now, we don’t have to go looking for these intersections, but we have to step into them.  It is important to take steps and claim what God has already done for us.  This is the action that God requires from us.   We just can’t sit and wait for him to help us. Even though He is completely capable, He wants to see movement on our part.  So, we take steps to claim what God has already done for us.

Next, We listen to the gentle whisper of God as he leads and directs our steps.  He gives us signals and nudges us each and everyday as we go about our daily work in life.  He uses our conscience to guide us into our purpose and He speaks through his word (The Bible) and through others he divinely places into our life.  We must remember he uses both good and bad people and good and bad experiences to lead us into our purpose.

God is our ultimate destination in life and also in the workplace.  The more we become like Christ in our daily thoughts and actions, the closer we get to our ultimate destination.

7 “G” Forces Available To Propel Your Career Forward

The sixth “G” force is God’s Glory.  This is a difficult “G” force to define because it just too big to define in words.  But God’s Glory is definitely a level of power that needed to influence and help others.  Some people find God’s Glory in nature, some people find God’s Glory in art, but man can exhibit God’s Glory in many ways.  God’s Glory can be seen in heroism and simple acts of kindness. God’s glory can be seen in the everyday events of life.  Love and kindness along with forgiveness are all acts of God’s Glory.  We are to exhibit God’s Glory in our everyday life and therefore in our careers!  It is within our grasp to deliver God’s Glory everyday in the workplace and this is done through our words and actions. When we are acting in God’s Glory, we use our words to build people up and add value and go out of our way to help people succeed and win both at home and at work.

We distribute God’s Glory through our distribution of praise. We distribute God’s Glory when we model the Gospel and not just preach about it.  We model God’s Glory when we care about our fellow man. God’s glory is seen in praise, wonder and perfection.

We energize our co workers when we exhibit God’s Glory when we use positive words that build people up.  We exhibit God’s Glory when we don’t complain about our work, but do it as part of where we are moving to in our life.

Finally, God’s Glory is a powerful force that flows through us and into others giving them strength and encouragement to overcome whatever they are facing.  It is like a sail that we mount upon our soul to take us to new and exciting places!


7 “G” Forces Available to Propel your Career Forward

The fifth “G” force available to you to propel your career forward is “Gifts and Fruits”.  This “G” force is available to all who are born again and have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  They are downloaded from God himself and He gives you these gifts to help you bless others in your work and to build the body of Christ.  There are 9 spiritual gifts: 1. Word of Knowledge, 2. Word of wisdom, 3. The Gift of Prophecy, 4. The Gift of Faith, 5. The Gifts of Healing, 6. The Working of Miracles, 7. The Discerning of Spirits, 8. Different Kinds of Tonques, 9. The Interpretation of Tongues.  The nine Fruits include:1. Love, 2. Joy, 3. Peace, 4. Longsuffering, 5.Kindness, 6. Goodness, 7. Faithfulness, 8. Gentleness, 9. Self-Control.  Now, can you imagine having this kind of power and ability in the workplace?  Can you imagine the benefits of having these 9 gifts and fruit as a way to propel your career forward?!

Hear is the good news! You can have them and they are available FREE!  The Holy Spirit will assist you in making this happen.  I won’t go into detail about these gifts, but if you are interested to learn more about these gifts and how they can enhance your career, the best place to start is in the Holy Bible. It is the best manual ever written to help you succeed in life and yet, so few people use this book to help them become more successful in their careers.

Just think if you had a boss who was joyful, peaceful, kind, patient, gentle, faithful and had self control!!!   This powerful “G” force is so critical in the workforce today because so many people aren’t happy and seem to work for individuals who just don’t care.  That is why we need to bring these gifts and fruits to the workplace.

If you would like me to come to speak with your staff how business can be transformed with these 7 “G” forces, please email me directly: