How to Set Smart Goals to Achieve Results

Today I want to talk about setting goals! I love this topic because no matter how many times I post about setting goals, I know people really don’t follow through and set personal and professional goals. It truly is the only way to go from where you are currently to where you want to go in the future. It is the way to break paradigms, change habits and begin to gain clarity in your life! When you can clarity, you gain energy and that positive energy attracts others with positive energy! Soon, your life changes as you are achieving your desired results and you live your life with OnPurpose! So, while goal setting is can be challenging, the secret is to set SMART goals. This is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely! And in the next post, I will share more on how to set SMART goals!

Five Reasons We MUST Set Goals!

As I work with clients, most tell me when I ask them if they have personal and professional goals set they tell me yes. But then I ask to see them and they tell me that they are in their mind and not written down on paper! So, the task at hand is always to write your goals on paper. Here are 5 reasons why we set goals and write them down on paper:

1. Your written goals are YOUR HEADLINES for the future.
2. Goals give us a tangible target as we move forward in life.
3. Goals tell your brain what to notice in the midst of a crowded thought life.
4. Goal setting is an essential tool for disciplining your mind to focus on what is lovely, excellent and worthy of praise.
5. Goal setting builds your character and disciplines you to say yes to the right things and no to the wrong things.

How to Improve Your Results…The Number One Issue

"It is all about the transformation"

During my work helping clients, I always tell them that the goal is to become the best version of themselves. And most clients shake their head and agree that must be the goal. But “how” is always the question. And I always come back with:”You have to change your thoughts, change your paradigms and change your habits”. To improve your results in life requires a good deal of heavy lifting because we have a built in “cybernetic” system that always wants to take us back to our existing and preexisting paradigms. Many of these paradigms were formed and given to us as children from our parents and have been handed down from one generation to the next. And many of these paradigms are no longer useful and/or prevent us from achieving real results in our lives! That is why it is so important to works towards breaking those old paradigms by reprogramming our life and primary thoughts. The first step in this process is realize and document what our primary thoughts and beliefs are and how we see the world. Then it is important to work with a coach to help us secure new thoughts and habits. Its all about TRANSFORMATION! And Transformation is an inside out process.

What Is Your Time Worth?

Last weekend I attended my 40th year class reunion. It was an amazing time we shared together! In many ways it was like time stood still and we were all transported back into time. But in reality it was 40 years ago! Where had the time gone??? As we talked, we all discussed what we were doing now and how fast life is passing us by! It was a great reminder to me to value the time I have left on this earth and to try to make an impact to help others! While I am not a gifted writer (As you already can see) I am trying to make each day count, each hour count, and each minute count. That has caused me to think about the future vision for my life, set goals and to make sure I completely understand my Value Proposition so that I can make every hour count. Here is a quick template to help you understand your Value Proposition and to make every hour count!

1. First, you talk about you! Whether you are an engineer, blogger, technician or podcaster! Let people know who you are and what your role is!
2. Second, tell people who you help (your Avatar). You really need to match your why to who your avatar is!
3. Third, tell people you Struggle, Journey and Solution
4. Fourth, finally talk about the transformation people get from your solution! Remember they are looking for help and your value needs to fight their need.

How To Have More Influence and Implact in Life…

Like most people, I struggle with becoming more productive and impacting more people in the remaining years I have left! I want to share my experiences and what I have learned to make someone else’s life easier. I always feel better at the end of the day when I feel like I accomplished something worth while towards my goals. So becoming more productive is essential. I can remember a time in my life when I felt fully alive and very productive, and I can also remember a time in my life when I felt hopeless, unclear and non productive. Please believe me when I tell you that it takes far more energy to feel unproductive and unclear! So that is the entire reason for my blog. I am hoping to help those who feel unclear and want to improve their results. I call this Helping You Succeed, Life and Work! If you want to have more influence and impact on others, here is the one thing you must understand very clearly:

You must Discover Your Value that you have to share with the marketplace. You need to understand what you have that you can share with the world and that sets you apart from someone else! I call this your Value Proposition Statement! Here are questions to help you understand and create your message:

1. What keeps you up at night and fascinates you?
2. What books do you like to read?
3. What issues do the people around you struggles with that you find yourself always helping?
4. What is the one thing that you feel you want to share with them to help them grow?
5. What do people come to you for as far as advice, counseling, teaching or any other help regularly?
6. What is the one thing that you can see could help others around you if they knew about it and would transform their results?
7. If you don’t help these people, what is at stake for you? How will this impact your own life results?

How To Live Your Life…OnPurpose

When I think about conversations today, it reminds me that is so difficult today to be your own person because people, society, politics and money all try to pull us into a place where we are always longing for something or someone else. It is easy to fall into the trap of wanting more! More money, different job, better job, bigger house, better vacations and on and on it goes. but what effect does this have on us? It pulls us away from living each day in our own show and trying to be someone else and not concentrating on our own life and what we currently have today. So here are some simple steps to living your life and not wishing you were someone else:

1. BE THANKFUL! Focus on what you have and try to express gratitude daily for what God has given you. Like your health, your family, your ability to live in this great country.
2. BE PURPOSEFUL! Try to make at least one person happy each day. Go the extra mile to add value to the people around you. That takes the focus off of you and puts it on someone else.
3. BE POSITIVE! Positive people tend to be happier people and happier people tend to be living their life as the main event and not a side show!
4. BE GENEROUS! When you are FREE from things and stuff, you tend to be more generous and giving. This is where true meaning and happiness exists.
5. BE HOPEFUL! Don’t be a Debbie Downer, be hopeful and encourage others to dream big! Don’t envy others. Develop a plan and execute that plan to achieve more.

3 Things That Keep Your From Achieving Your Goals In Life

What is the PRIMARY CAUSE OF MY RESULTS? YOU ARE and here 3 major things that hold you back in life from achieving your goals, improving your results and living a life of purpose and significance. Here they are:


How many times have you tried to help someone and they say:”I knew that”, but in reality they didn’t and it was their attitude about it that held them back? Or have you ever been in a situation where you are trying to implement a new idea or concept to a group or mentor someone and they say:”I’ve done that before” and you can see them automatically shut you out? And finally, many times, folks who lack good results have another problem. They have too many distractions throughout their day and they don’t spend the necessary time working on productive measures and goals that will change their for the better. So, it is very important to look back and see what habits, attitudes, paradigms are causing your results. And then, if you don’t like your results, set new goals that are more in the direction that you want to go. Finally, gain greater awareness of how others are achieving their results ask them to show you what they do! By keeping an open mind and reducing the 3 issues above, your results will improve.

We Set Goals When Our Level Of Awareness is at the Discipline Awareness Level

My last post was a request from a fellow person from my TRIBE. I was delighted to learn that he shared my content with his tribe and wanted more information. I want to revisit my post on WHY WE SET GOALS now that you know the 7 levels of AWARENESS. We set goals and we execute goals when we are DISCIPLINED enough to know that Goals executed successfully change our results and change our direction. But you first have to move past Animal, Mass, Aspiration and Individual Levels of awareness. Only when you can write out your goals and have the ability to give yourself a command to execute them, will you have success. In the next post, I will talk about how EXPERIENCE awareness can take you places you never dreamed of.

Why Discipline is Truly a Gift!

"Its a gift that lasts a lifetime"

Someone from my Tribe of followers wanted to know more about the power of discipline in life and work. Discipline as most of us know it is not necessarily something we like and want more of in our life. But the fact is, the more disciplined we become in our life, we increase our chances of happiness and success both at home and work. Discipline is one of the Seven Levels of Awareness that we have in life. With Mastery at the very top and Animal at the very lowest level of awareness. When we are living at the lowest level of awareness in life, we live at the Animal level where we just react to what happens to us. We typically either Fight or Flight! This isn’t a level where you want to remain as an individual. This is the level where you see a “Victim Mentality” exist. Discipline is truly at a very high level of awareness in life and is just number 3 below Mastery and Experience. When we have the gift of discipline in our life, we literally can give ourself a command and make it happen. This level of awareness leads to both success at home and success at work. Discipline is formed by goal setting and coaching and mentoring and to be open and willing to improve one’s self. Positive discipline is truly a gift that you give your kids as a parent and as a leader, you give discipline to help your employees realize their potential.

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree…

Have you ever heard the expression: “The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree?”. Well, the reason you have probably heard it is that someone in your family or a friend probably said that about you when comparing certain habits of your mother and father to you. And the funny thing is, the older we get, we even start to see some of those habits from our parents in us. This of course can be good and bad. If your mother and father had good habits, then you are blessed, but if your mother and father were what I call “difficult” and drama oriented, well, probably more than not, you have inherited these habits as well. All of these generational habits passed down to you can make changing very difficult. As we tend to see life through the lens of our paradigms (habits) it is often a good thing to go back and review how these habits are producing the results we are getting in life. If we like the results we are getting in life, than keep rolling. But if we find ourselves looking to improve our results, we need to go back and start reviewing some of our habits. And finally the best way to change habits and paradigms is through clear goal setting and achieving.