Jack Thomason will be teaching a full day seminar June 29 for the Berea City School teachers on how to develop a Leadership Attitude. This is part of The Berea Leadership Academy’s mission to deliver leadership skills to the students and parents of The Berea City Schools. The seminar will dig into the relationships between the mind, leadership and how becoming aware of how your mindworks which can lead to major achievements in improving your results. An audio e course will be available shortly.
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BCS TV Interviews Jack Thomason on Leadership!
BCStv Interviews Jack Thomason on Leadership and The Berea Leadership Academy:
Internet Marketing-Tom Antion Interviews Jack Thomason
Tom Antion-Internet Marketing Pioneer-Interviews Jack Thomason about the future of Business marketing and relationship building..Part 1
Tom Antion Interview Jack Thomason
Tom Antion interviews Jack Thomason about the new marketing and leadership concepts of practice building.
The Berea Leadership Academy- Improve your RESULTS now!
The Berea Leadership Academy
The Berea leadership Academy’s founder-Jack Thomason, works with entrepreneurs, Medical and Dental professionals, small business owners and larger corporations helping them TRANSFORM their results by developing Leadership Skills and implementing them within their organizations. Please go to www.TheBereaLeadershipAcademy.com to opt in for free teleseminars, webinars and videos. A portion of the proceeds goes to help the kids at the Berea City Schools achieve dreams they never imagined possible!.
Find out the 7 Secrets to Leadership by visiting www.LifeSuccessActionSecrets.com Following these principals will transform the results you have been getting in your Life! LifeSuccess is about developing a successful life based upon the gifts you have been given.