As mentioned in part 2 of “Our Thoughts Determine Our Results”, we looked at the power of Autosuggestion and how using Autosuggestion as a tool for making sure we put the right thoughts into our subconscious mind. Now let us dive deeper. The fact is the THOUGHTS we choose, and the feelings we have from those thoughts, and the ACTIONS we act on based upon those feelings is really what ATTITUDE is; Autosuggestion control’s ones ATTITUDE. When people are having a bad or negative attitude, it is because they’ve chosen to surrender their conscious control, and have allowed someone or something to control their thinking. If we allow someone else to MAKE US MAD, SAD or GLAD, we’ve been HAD. A bad attitude can, most likely, be attributed to POOR autosuggesion. We need to understand that our attitude has a drastic impact on the results we do or don’t get in our lives, and that we have the ability to shift or change our attitude through the conscious awareness of the power of autosuggestion. That is why having written goals for what you desire is so important. As you begin to formulate your goals and write them down, you use the process of autosuggestion to keep them on the top of your conscious mind. As you read and repeat them daily, they are directly deposited into your subconscious mind, which is your MOTOR that is running 24/7. As you begin to execute your goals, you will feed a renewed sense of energy and productivity that results in improved habits and performance.
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