How Can We Trust God In Times Of Trouble and Doubt?

One of the things we can count on in life is that we will have troubles! We live in a broken world where bad things can happen to good people! And we ask why God? Why did this happen to me? How could let this happen to my family? Why do some people seem to fly through life, while others struggle? It can be difficult to trust God and his word in times of difficulty and strife. It can be difficult to trust God when this world seems to be falling apart. It can be difficult to trust God when the politicians are doing crazy things. But that is precisely the time to draw nearer to God. Because we can TRUST God 100 percent to be there with us through it all if we are one of his children. Here are six reason why you can trust God if you are one of his children and not everyone is his child.. Everyone is his creation, but not necessarily his child.

  1. God Never Changes…He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
  2. God is trustworthy not because of our circumstances, but because of who He is!
  3. God is sovereign- He either causes things to happen or allows things to happen and if you are one of his children her promises to use all of these trials and troubles for his glory
  4. God has a purpose and a plan for each one of us. He knows us before we are born and knows exactly what He wants us to accomplish for his Kingdom.
  5. God has made promises to us…In fact more than 3000 promises and he has an inheritance for us! Its our job to walk into it
  6. When we can’t understand the “why” of God, we can trust his heart! There are many mysteries that we just don’t know, but we can trust God’s heart because his heart is Love. God is Love!

This is a summary from Friday’s with Fred! More on my podcast!

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