How to Overcome Troubles In Life

We all know that if you live long enough, you will encounter troubles. The issue is not “IF” troubles come, but “WHEN” will troubles come! But why do some people seem to handle troubles and get through them with peace and others are consumed with troubles and become negative? The answer is given in a person’s perspective. It has often been said if you change your thoughts, you change your life! And that couldn’t be more true here. Its all about seeing the Bigger Picture in life and knowing where you going! If you tend to think that all you have is your troubles and then you die, you are for sure going to struggle. But knowing that all that happens to you will somehow allow you to see God’s glory, gives you a new perspective on those troubles. If you know that your struggles here on earth are just temporary, but your life in heaven is eternal, it gives you strength to press on and resist going down the path of negativity and fear. Thank you Pastor Jonathan for a powerful message this past week!

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