The Leader’s role in Leading Change

A key result of effective leadership is change and transformation. Every leader is faced with a changing environment, but not every leader is equipped to lead change. Lets look at the stages to leading a successful transformation:
1. Intention and urgency- Successful transformation occurs when the leader has set the intention and created a sense of urgency in the organization.

2. Formulate a team- forming a cross functional team that are associated with the process improvement needed. Then empower the team to come up with a plan to transform the problem.

3. Paint the Vision on the canvas- It is often said that the vision represents the invisible connections that aren’t seen. The leaders job is to paint the vision so others can see it.

4. Communicate the vision- first create the vision and then communicate the vision so that others are inspired to own the vision as their own.

5. Deliver the empowerment- The leader must give life to the vision and then empower the team to execute the vision and create the transformation.

6. Alignment is key-The leader must align the vision and strategy/goals/actions plans and plan for short term “wins”. Celebrate the wins. The team needs the encouragement that they are achieving the process goals and that gives them energy to complete the tasks.

7. Rise to the top- Watch key employees rise to the top. Hire, promote and develop employees who can implement the vision and mission.

8. Changed behaviors lead to success- high light the behaviors, habits, processes and procedures that have lead to the transformation and create new leadership development approaches that insure consistent transformation.

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